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Learn Army tasks in a fun and interactive game environment. Go to to create your account, you must contact your recruiter or Recruiting Center and ask for the center's RSID to begin your Army training.

Financial Management

There is a NEW Financial Management Class located on the Additional Training tab of the FSTS. This class is designed to give you a better understanding of successful financial strategies.

All Married Future Soldiers

If you are a married Future Soldier and have not already provided your Spouse the opportunity to register with the Family Information Center (FIC) do so now! The FIC provides new Army Spouses with a source to ask questions and receive specific information regarding countless topics ranging from TriCare and benefits to finance and DEERs enrollment! You can register your Spouse by either emailing or telephoning us. EMAIL: PHONE: 877-535-6387 TOLL FREE

Newest Future Soldiers

Please welcome our newest Future Soldiers

Chaplain Basic Officer Course (BOLC)
Becoming an Army Chaplain

Chaplains and Chaplain Candidates do not go through Basic Training. Instead, they attend the Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course (CBOLC), which is a 12-week course taught at the USA Chaplains Center and School (USACHCS) in Fort Jackson, S.C. Instruction at USACHCS is conducted by highly trained, professional, and experienced Army officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs). CBOLC provides an introduction to the non-combatant common core skills, Army writing and Chaplaincy-specific training. Classroom and field training is dynamic, fun, and interactive. CBOLC is conducted in four phases. Each phase must be taken sequentially. However, the entire course does not have to be taken in the same year.

Chaplain Initial Military Training

A four-week resident course that teaches non-combatant common core skills such as map reading, military customs and courtesies, operations in field conditions and combat survival. Attendance is required for Chaplains and Chaplain Candidates who have no prior Army officer training.

Phase I

A two-week course that focuses on Army writing and correspondence.

Phase II and Phase III

Two three-week resident courses of instruction in Army-specific Chaplain duties. This training gives Chaplains and Chaplain Candidates the ability to apply their civilian chaplain and pastoral skills in the Army environment.

NOTE: Additional information can be found at:


Family Members: click here to access information designed to assist families of Future Soldiers

Training Locations

Family Services

Army Strong logo Future Soldier Family


Click here to access online training and links to assist you in preparing for Initial Entry Training.

Register for Future Soldier Training System account

Future Soldier Training Program

Future Soldier Chat
Click the link below to access chat rooms that are designed specifically for Future Soldiers.
Future Soldier Training

The Future Soldier Training is now available.

Enter the FSTS

Referral Program

Interested in earning a promotion, or even more as a Future Soldier?

Visit the Referrals page for details